Alien Frontiers News: All Systems Go for Second Printing
Well, gentle readers, official news has trickled down from Clever Mojo Games – the second printing of the wildly-popular and woefully-understocked Alien Frontiers is a go! Not only will giddy gamers soon be able to grab a copy of this wonderful game, but the second printing promises to be super-deluxe, with rules clarifications and a brand new Alien Tech card available for gamers who pre-order the game!
On Wednesday, December 1, Alien Frontiers will be available for pre-order on the Clever Mojo Games website for $39.99. After the pre-order phase is complete, Alien Frontiers will retail for $49.99. Retailers will also be able to pre-order copies, guaranteeing that this printing will see a much larger distribution.
In addition to the discounted price, those who pre-order their copy will also receive a set of rocket scoring tokens and an exclusive, new Alien Tech card – the Mind Control Helmet! Art for this new Alien Tech card is still in production so images are not available, but I can share its power: Pay 3 Fuel to move an opponent’s ship to a different Orbital Facility and use it as if it were your own ship. The ship may not change value during the move and may not be moved onto or off of the Terraforming Station.
Those lucky few who managed to pick up the first printing of Alien Frontiers can still get in on the Alien Tech goodness – Clever Mojo Games will be selling the Mind Control Helmet, along with a pack of the scoring rockets, for $5.95.
Clever Mojo Games is planning for 3,000 copies of Alien Frontiers in the second print run. The expected launch date is March 31, 2011. Stay tuned to Dice Hate Me for more updates as the second printing proceeds, including some upcoming news on two expansions for 2011, currently in the playtesting phases!
Related posts:
- Alien Frontiers: The First Transport is Away!
- Alien Frontiers: The Best of All Worlds
- Alien Frontiers: A New World for Game Publishing
- The 2010 Dice Hate Me Holiday Gift Guide
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Check out what others are saying...[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Chris K., Chris K.. Chris K. said: Didn't get in on the 1st print of Alien Frontiers? I have some good news! […]