Designer on Designer: An Interview with Jeremiah Lee by Jason Kotarski
From time to time on Dice Hate Me, someone will shoot me an email with a different sort of proposition. This time around, it was Jason Kotarski, designer of The Great Heartland Hauling Co., and he wanted Dice Hate Me to feature an interview he did with another designer, Jeremiah Lee. Designer on designer, and both with awesomely fun games? How could I resist. Jeremiah Lee is probably a werewolf. Or maybe a spy. Or a zombie. Or maybe he’s just a really nice guy. This stay-at-home... Read More
Dino Delight: A video review of Triassic Terror
In this video review, I take a look at Triassic Terror – a current Kickstarter project from Eagle & Gryphon games that is chock full of dinosaurs! Is this tile-selecting area control monstrosity worth the somewhat-hefty price tag on Kickstarter? Come watch and find out! Happy gaming! Chris Read More
Dice Hate Me Games Brings You New Brews, Beer and Belles for 2013!
Dice Hate Me Games is pleased to announce the addition of three new games to its projected product line-up for 2013. VIVAJAVA: THE COFFEE GAME: THE DICE GAME VivaJava: The Coffee Game: The Dice Game, or, more simply, VivaJava Dice, is the successor to the well-received 2012 release of VivaJava: The Coffee Game. Just as in its predecessor, players of VivaJava Dice take on the roles of employees at the VivaJava CoffeeCo., scouring the globe for the best beans to keep the company... Read More