Dice Hate Me Games Brings You New Brews, Beer and Belles for 2013!
Dice Hate Me Games is pleased to announce the addition of three new games to its projected product line-up for 2013. VIVAJAVA: THE COFFEE GAME: THE DICE GAME VivaJava: The Coffee Game: The Dice Game, or, more simply, VivaJava Dice, is the successor to the well-received 2012 release of VivaJava: The Coffee Game. Just as in its predecessor, players of VivaJava Dice take on the roles of employees at the VivaJava CoffeeCo., scouring the globe for the best beans to keep the company on top while keeping themselves one step ahead of the rest of the executives. Also as in VivaJava, VivaJava Dice has players making the crucial decision between blending... Read More
It’s Time to Get Caffeinated!
Just about all of you dear readers were there when Carnival was announced to the public. And just about the same amount pledged their support on Kickstarter to help us get Dice Hate Me Games off the ground. It was an amazing experience, made only greater by the outpouring of support and encouragement. Now, we’re back. And we’ve brought coffee. Dice Hate Me Games is proud to present VivaJava: The Coffee Game! Designer T.C. Petty III has spent the last three years perfecting this unique and engaging game and now it’s time for it to be sent out into the wild. VivaJava is now available on Kickstarter, and with your help, we can see... Read More