The New ‘Burbs – A Kingdom Builder Review
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” — Oscar Wilde In all the years spent in this wonderful hobby, I have learned that there are two things that hardcore board game enthusiasts live and die for: Game day, and new board game day. Like most enthusiasts, I am guilty of prowling the forums looking or information on the latest and greatest to be born in cardboard, especially if I find the art or theme intriguing, or if I’ve enjoyed... Read More
The State of Games, Episode 24 – The One About Farming
Have you ever been in the presence of a female gamer when a box of Agricola: The Goodies is first cracked open and all those adorable little pigs and cows come spilling out? Have you regained hearing in your ears from the squeal of delight? And why, exactly, is a tiny wooden pumpkin or squash so darn adorable? Honestly, we don’t know either but we’re going to talk about it for at least 15 minutes or so. Come on in! Read More Read More
Sunrise City’s Bright Future
Marc Specter approached me a few weeks ago about writing a review for Sunrise City. To be fair, I wasn’t sure I should run a review of Sunrise City on Dice Hate Me because of my intimate involvement – after all, I was one of the playtesters and the graphic designer for the game. However, I couldn’t not give Sunrise City the attention it’s due, and so I present to you an alternate view of the game, from outside the production circle. I hope you dear readers... Read More
The Big Game before the Big Game: Watch VivaJava live!
On Sunday, much of the world and pretty much all of America will be huddled around a glowing screen watching an epic battle unfold. This will be a battle of shifting tactics, grand postulations, brilliant head games… and lots and lots of tiny wooden beans. That’s right, VivaJava is coming to you live on Super Bowl Sunday! Java lovers and the coffee curious alike can witness a full game of VivaJava: The Coffee Game being played direct from Cartrunk Entertainment HQ... Read More
The Taste of Digital Analog: iOS Games Reviews
There comes a time in every gamer’s life when they look up from their work/latte/nap and search their souls for the answer to a very important question: “Should I get an iPad?” In this gamer’s case, the answer – finally – was a resounding yes. And, lo, I gathered Christmas funds and gift cards and nickels and dimes and journeyed to my local Apple store for that magical thin tablet wherein I could occasionally turn my extreme analog passion into... Read More