The Big Game before the Big Game: Watch VivaJava live!

On Sunday, much of the world and pretty much all of America will be huddled around a glowing screen watching an epic battle unfold. This will be a battle of shifting tactics, grand postulations, brilliant head games… and lots and lots of tiny wooden beans. That’s right, VivaJava is coming to you live on Super Bowl Sunday! Java lovers and the coffee curious alike can witness a full game of VivaJava: The Coffee Game being played direct from Cartrunk Entertainment HQ with the designer himself, T.C. Petty III.

Here’s a bit direct from Cartrunk Entertainment’s John Moller:

“We asked, you answered. We postulated having a live streaming game of VivaJava during the Superbowl. Your answers here, in twitter, on tumblr and via email were enough to make the decision seem like a good one. We’re doing it.

Yes, Cartrunk Entertainment will be live streaming a game of VivaJava at 4:00pm (Eastern Standard Time) on Sunday February 5, 2012! The game’s designer, T.C. Petty III will be here at our home base in Delaware to join us for this awesome game! If you can tune in, you should!

We’ll have at least 6 experienced players blending and researching their way to coffee victory. It could be a full house by Sunday with 8 players vying for the coveted coffee crown!”

For more information about the event – and a link to several other VivaJava-related goodies – hop on over to Cartrunk Entertainment:

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