The Table Ahead – Dice Hate Me in 2011

A new year is upon us, dear readers, and with it the promise of a slew of new gaming goodness to grace our tables! 2010 was a fantastic year for gaming – and, indeed, for Dice Hate Me – but 2011 is shaping up to be even better. In this column, I wanted to share a few things with all of you about the upcoming year – the games I’m most looking forward to, those already out that are planned to become part of the Dice Hate Me games library, and some of the things you all can look forward to on the site in the coming months. Think of this less of a “state of the union” and more of a “state of things to come.” Let’s get to it!

First off, in case any of you missed it, Michael Fox and I talked a bit about the games of 2011 that excite us on The Little Metal Dog Show podcast. You can listen to the podcast, check out our list and find a little more info on the games over here. Although our list is compact – we only have so much time on air – I think many of you are going to be just as excited for these releases as we are!

In addition to the games that are slated to be released in 2011, there are a ton of games already out there that I’m looking forward to checking out this year. You can rest assured that I’ll be adding to the collection – and rolling out several reviews of – the following games:

  • CASTLE PANIC: So you’ve built a castle, have you? Well, the monsters in the area aren’t very happy about that, and they’re out to ruin your day – and your kingdom! A cooperative, rock-throwing, arrow-slinging, sword-clashing, monster-bashing good time. What’s not to love?
  • BETRAYAL AT HOUSE ON THE HILL: The reprint of an Avalon Hill classic places you and up to 5 other crazy idiots in a haunted mansion for the night. To make matters worse, one of you is secretly out to get the others! Awesome.
  • CONFLICT OF HEROES: AWAKENING THE BEAR! After my wife passed the hardcore test that is Twilight Struggle and loved it, I’m thinking it might be time to introduce her to beginner grognard territory.
  • MYSTERY EXPRESS: Clue on steroids. On a train. Sold!
  • PONY EXPRESS: For the #lunchgames crowd, a game about bluffing, bullets and bad dice. Let’s see if we can equalize Clover Leaf’s luck powers with some good, old-fashioned deception!
  • THE PRINCES OF FLORENCE: Despite the fact that it, supposedly, features some of the worst graphic design in recent board game history, the game play promises to be nothing short of amazing. It had better be if I’m going to delve into Rennaisance Florence, without explosions.
  • CHAOS IN THE OLD WORLD: Chaos demons. The world of Warhammer. Rumored near-perfect gameplay. This will be mine.

Many of you have kindly told me to bring on the reviews in 2011, and I plan not to disappoint. In addition to the games above, I’ll be sharing mine and, most likely, Monkey238‘s opinions on Hansa Teutonica, Burger Joint, Through the Ages, Agricola, Colossal Arena, Shogun, Citadels, Wits & Wagers, Cookie Fu, Summoner Wars, and Lifeboat.

Speaking of Monkey238, in addition to all the reviews, interviews, insider news and chaotic whimsy that might spew from my brain on the site this year, Dice Hate Me is proud to announce a little something different we’re cooking up. As a little experiment, the monkey and I will be testing our talk-show abilities – and, likely, all of your patience – with a new bi-weekly podcast: The State of Games. This will be a place for us to talk about recent games that have been hot on our table, interesting news, interviews with friends and games industry folks, and general topics suggested by all of you, dear readers.

As always, Dice Hate Me promises to be a place where you can continue to check out independent game publishing news, in-depth reviews, and find quality online boardgaming goodness (and also a whole year’s worth of new giveaways!). Dice Hate Me would be nothing, however, without everyone out there who reads the blog and loves board games, so let us know what you would like to see on the site in 2011. No subject is too broad, and no idea too insane – so chime in, and let us do all your dirty work!

Again, thanks for everyone’s support in 2010. We hope to meet some of you across the gaming table this year. Cheers, and happy gaming!

Related posts:

  1. Dice Hate Me Game of the Year Awards 2010
  2. The 2010 Dice Hate Me Holiday Gift Guide
  3. Dice Hate Me at the Movies
  4. Dice Hate Me at the Bookstore: The Games Bible
  5. Alien Frontiers: The First Transport is Away!
8 Responses to “The Table Ahead – Dice Hate Me in 2011”
  1. tomg says:

    This is a good list. I love Princes of Florence and think that you will too. Same for Hansa Teutonica and Shogun. Both are excellent games. Lots of thinking, hard decisions, and some second guessing yourself. Fun, fun, fun. Castle Panic and Betrayal are on my list to try to play this year. I should probably try to play Agricola too, though not high on the list. Citadels, Lifeboat, and Summoner Wars all seem likely too.
    For me I want to play 7 Wonders, Command & Colors: Napolianics, Terra Prime, more Homesteaders, and the new Stefan Feld games Der Burger von Burgun, Luna, and The Speicherstadt.
    Hooray for your podcasting decision. I’ll add it to my listening list. And I’m heading to the lab to see if I can listen to your LMD interview while I work.
    Go Forth And Game –

  2. dicehateme says:

    Tom – Thanks, and I’m glad you’re looking forward to the podcast! You’ve got a good list there, yourself. I would love to try Command & Colors: Napoleonics, as well as Terra Prime and Homesteaders. I’m a fan of Michael Mendes, but have never tried any Tasty Minstrel products. I think it’s about time.

    Let me know what you think of the interview!

  3. Uwe Eickert says:

    Let me know how your wife likes Conflict of Heroes. Surprisingly, a large % of people buying the game at Origins and GenCon were women. Yea! In Essen however, not so…. hmmm… what happened to the Germans? 🙂 Happy New Year and I look forward to listening to the Podcast. I just played 7 Wonders and loved it. I also highly recommend Dominant Species.

  4. Wow! Very cool. I can’t wait to hear the podcast.

    I mentioned it to my wife last night, just to see if she’d possibly be interested in doing something similar with me, and her one response was, “Do they have kids?” So, given the fact that she was holding the baby at the time and we were having to talk loudly over the constant stream of requests and singing from the 2-year-old, I think it would be right out for us.

  5. dicehateme says:


    Hi, and thanks for stopping by the site! I will definitely let you know what Monkey238 thinks of Conflict of Heroes, and I’m sure we’ll have a review or a podcast discussion. I’m really looking forward to playing – I’ve had my eye on it for a couple of years now.

    I’m fascinated by the percentage of female buyers at the American cons. I would love to know some current statistics, and even find out some main reasons why female gamers are starting to pick up games like Conflict of Heroes. Sounds like I need to do some digging for an interesting article!

    I’ve had several people recommend Dominant Species, so I’m officially adding it to the list. As a graphic designer, I’m fascinated by the minimalist design and want to check out the meaty and varied gameplay. I’ll also be picking up 7 Wonders this spring. I’m thinking it will be perfect for my lunch group.

    Happy New Year!

  6. dicehateme says:


    Thanks, I’m glad you’re stoked! I can definitely understand your wife’s reaction – with Monkey238 and I taking on more teaching duties this spring, we’re going to be stretched thin for time. I just hope we can pull off a podcast twice a month! Wait a couple of years and you can get the 4-year-old perspective on games into a podcast. That would be pretty cool, actually. 🙂

  7. Have you ever read any of Charles Simon’s reviews? He and his 4-year-old daughter give their opinion on a number of different games and TV shows, and sometimes it’s absolute brilliance. Their review of Go Away Monster! made me buy it and subscribe to his blog, Reviews in a Box.

    I’d almost pay money to hear them on a podcast, but maybe Samantha and I could pull it off too in a year or two (she certainly talks enough to fill a dozen podcasts!).

  8. dicehateme says:

    Chris – I have seen Charles Simon’s reviews, but I can’t recall if I’ve read any of them. I will have to check ’em out! And, yeah, you could totally fill the child sidekick podcast void. Go for it!

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