The State of Games, Episode 65 – The One About Staying Forever Young
There is both nostalgia and the remembrance of our youth. There is a grey line between them both. But on this podcast we choose to embrace our youth and talk about the things in our present which remind us of our past. It’s those things that keep us forever young, and it’s one of the greatest assets of our geeky generation. Explore your youth and your future youth with us!
Links to important things mentioned on the podcast:
The craziest thread in recent memory on BGG where Darrell explains how he’s been threatened with a lawsuit over a Marvel Dice Masters trade
VivaJava: The Coffee Game: The Dice Game (It’s on the boat – pre-order your copy now!)
Compounded (All sold out! Kickstarting an expansion and second printing in June/July!)
The Great Heartland Hauling Co. (All copies have been hauled away – but we’re getting more!)
VivaJava: The Coffee Game (Sold out!)
Carnival (Currently sold out – but we’re getting more!)
And, finally:
The Dice Hate Me Games Newsletter! Sign up for the best in behind-the-scenes goodness from our hearts to yours.
Like what you hear? Subscribe to the State of Games podcast RSS feed!
Related posts:
- The State of Games, Episode 53 – The One About The Germans
- The State of Games, Episode 55 – The One About BGGCon 2013
- The State of Games, Episode 64 – The One About Raising a Ruckus
- The State of Games, Episode 52 – The One About Beer
- The State of Games, Episode 59 – The One About The Hot Games of 2014
Archon… I loved that! I had it on Macintosh, and a friend had it for um… I want to say Commador (sp?) 64.
Battle Chess was just regular chess with animations when you took a piece. Archon was way better – when attacking anther piece, you actually went into a 1-on-1 real time combat game. The stronger the piece, the better its maneuverability and power, so while it’s possible to take a Queen with a Pawn, it is somewhat difficult (pawns had a club or a sword and didn’t move very fast, while the Queen moves faster and has a longer range attack). And in fact, if your opponent tried to take your piece, if you outplayed them then you could actually capture them.
That was awesome!
Loved this ~~ Chris and crew– if you have nothing better to do– I invite you to go to my BGG acct ( GustavMahler) and look at my recent what-we-played-geeklists— me and my crew are now regularly getting games from the 50s 60s and 70s to the table !! I even have 3 of them in my ” Play this game 10x in 2014″ list !! 🙂 We never got to chat at BGG this time I was so busy playing !! I hope to say hello at last if not hopefully play something with you this year ! 🙂
Was my comment I made last week eaten/not approved? 🙂
was my comment from last week eaten/not approved? 🙂
I think it was indeed.. so I shall try again.. yet my checkings posted twice !! Just wanted to say loved this topic as me and some of my crews have currently in our rotation a handful of nearly 60 year old games ( all game show games) we are having great fun with and just played 3 1970s games today– more of all of the above to get to the table soon. Had to give a shout about this because as much as I also love playing new ” hotnesses” ( my fave so far from the past” season” has been Nations.) — I am ALLL about the old and obscure. 🙂 Great episode !! — PKW ( BGG: GustavMahler) 🙂
I hope this comment goes through ! 🙂