Gen Con 2018 Pictorial Recap!
Hello, dear readers, and welcome to another year of Gen Con coverage! This year’s show had record attendance, and I was just as busy as always showing off awesome games and taking meeting after meeting after meeting with designers. But I did get a chance to escape the job from time to time and check out some really cool stuff. So settle in and enjoy this brief look into the good time that is Gen Con!
The first part of our trip involved a stop in Nitro, West Virginia – a five-year tradition! This year, Dan Halsted of The League of Nonsensical Gamers flew into Raleigh all the way from Copenhagen just to make the drive with us! Yes, he’s insane, but it was an awesome road trip.
First game of the con – Decrypto! Neither Dan Patriss nor Tiffany Bahnsen had played before, but you can see from their faces here how well they were working together as a team!
The Greater Than Games booth on the eve of the Exhibit Hall grand opening!
More of the GTG booth!
The GTG demo room was even bigger at this year’s show!
We had full demos of Spirit Island, Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon, The Sentinels RPG, Legends of Sleepy Hollow, Fate of the Elder Gods, and the upcoming Homebrewers. There was never an empty seat!
A game of Legends of Sleepy Hollow in progress. So many people played the game during Gen Con and had a great time, even if not everyone survived Chapter 1!
Homebrewers! Hitting Kickstarter on Sept. 18th.
There were SO many games of Spirit Island running at all times during the show. You’d think it was popular.
Gen Con has slowly expanded into Lucas Oil Stadium over the years, but this was the first year where panels and a lot of events drew even more crowds over there. I had never been inside the stadium before this year, but I’m here to tell you that it’s totally awesome! So much space, so much light, and such fresh air. Plus, tons of awesome games to check out!
A lot of the special miniatures wargames were moved over to the stadium, which meant lots of cool things to check out. Here’s a pirate game in progress with lots of incredible ship miniatures.
Battle mechs!
3D Game of Thrones!
An entire boarding raid game on a giant ship. If I didn’t have to work I would have spent all four days in Lucas Oil Stadium playing games like this.
Believe it or not, this was a zombie game. Such gorgeous terrain!
There were lots of indie publishers running demos of their games in Lucas Oil Stadium. Here, Raymond Chandler shows off his upcoming game City of The Big Shoulders. It’s a sprawling 2.5+ hour worker placement, stock manipulation game that’s guaranteed to quell the hunger of 18XX and heavy game players looking for a new experience!
Although I didn’t get to spend a ton of time in Lucas Oil Stadium, I did get to try out an upcoming game there. The Artemis Project from Grand Gamers Guild is hitting Kickstarter on Sept. 12th. Best described as “Alien Frontiers meets Homesteaders” it is every bit as good as that description. You can hear more about it on the latest State of Games!
A quick overview: We’re colonizing Europa, and you are leading a team to explore and develop both above and beneath the ice caps. You’ll use dice to draft resources and different settlers, build structures to get an engine going, and go on expeditions for valor and expansion! It’s totally awesome.
CMON had a lot of upcoming stuff on display but nothing is as exciting to me as Wacky Races. I’ve wanted to do something with this IP for years.
Dick Dastardly and Muttley!
I got a chance to play Mars Open from Bellwether Games. Essentially, it’s table golf with a paper football-type ball that hangs and floats as if you’re in a lower-gravity environment. Here you can see Jake Bock from the Draft Mechanic podcast lining up his shot. He was a total shark.
This year Gen Con expanded open gaming into one of the largest JW Marriott ball rooms, which was huge! This ballroom was almost as big as the main gaming hall at Dice Tower Con, which might give you a little perspective on the size and scope of Gen Con.
Another upcoming game I got a chance to try out was The Stygian Society by APE Games. This one is best described as a dungeon crawl that uses a cube tower to determine hero attacks, foe abilities, and overall game structure. This was a ton of fun, and the cube tower really adds a neat twist to the somewhat-tired format of dungeon crawling.
Now that’s a good Samus.
This is Rosco Schock’s game based on the cult classic movie The Room. In the game, you’re both working with and competing with other players to “edit” the scenes within the movie. There’s really no other way to describe this game other than pure chaos, and amazingly fun. Of course, it helps if you’ve actually seen The Room, but even if you haven’t you’ll be saying “Oh, Hi Mark” by the time the frenetic fun ends.
Tower of Madness from Smirk & Dagger! This was one of my top acquisitions at Gen Con, and it totally delivered on game play. Some call it Cthulhu Kerplunk, and it’s a fitting name – but the game play goes far beyond just pulling some sticks out of a tower for marbles to drop. Hear more about this on The State of Games!
Our exhibit hall neighbors this year were the wonderful people at BoardGameGeek. Here, you can see Chad Krizan prepping another preview guest while Steph Hodge conducts interviews!
Trade on the Tigris by Ryan Sturm and Geoff Engelstein from Tasty Minstrel Games. I can’t wait to get this one on the table!
Arkham Horror 3.0! I had a chance to demo this new version of one of my favorite games of all time, but I had a meeting to be at. Curses! I have no doubt that I’ll be checking this game out more in the next few months before its release.
The more things change, the more they stay the same – Jenny Barnes and her twin .45s are always on the case.
So much Lovecraftian goodness!
The balloon sculpture is always a fun tradition at Gen Con, and on Sunday a horde of kids with sticks were waiting to destroy it!
Tower of Madness in action with Dan Halsted and Kevin Crowther. Kevin went insane during the game and actually managed to win!
Scarabya, again with Dan and Kevin. This game was the talk of Gen Con, and it would not surprise me to see it in the running for a Spiel des Jahres award.
Ben Harkins in action telling people about cool things in the Floodgate Games booth.
The incomprable David MacKenzie explaining how to play his newly-released Sailing Toward Osiris in the Daily Magic Games booth.
Isaias Vallejo showing off Levi Mote’s newest design, Horizons, in the Daily Magic Games booth.
I got Zanged! Ian Zang practices his best Blue Steel in the Deep Water Games booth (publishers of the hit Welcome To…)
It’s a g-g-g-ghost! The giant Ghost Fighting Treasure Hunters set-up in the Mattel Games booth was totally awesome.
See? Totally awesome.
Gravity Falls!
This demo display for Wild West Exodus was one of the best I’ve ever seen at the con. I wanted to ask them if I could just buy the whole dang thing.
More Wild West Exodus.
Even more Wild West Exodus – because it’s so good!
And here’s the obligatory haul photo. Not as ambitious as in previous years but still a lot of really good stuff. I haven’t had a chance to play everything just yet but I have played quite a bit, so stay tuned to The State of Games for lots of game talk!
And that wraps it up for Gen Con 2018! The show just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and better and better. If you weren’t able to make it this year just know that you were missed. And hopefully you all can make it out next year, say hi, and check out some great games with me. Happy gaming!
Related posts:
- Gen Con 2017 Pictorial Recap!
- GenCon 2014 Pictorial Recap
- GenCon 2012 – A Pictorial Recap
- The Dice Hate Me GenCon 2013 Pictorial Wrap-Up
- Origins 2014 Pictorial Recap
Filed under Articles of Note, Conventions, Game News, Random thoughts · Tagged with board game, brew crafters, call of cthulhu, card game, conventions, dice hate me games, fun for all ages, geekery, gencon, homebrewers, launius, legends of sleepy hollow, lovecraft, news, tasty minstrel games, whimsy