The State of Games, Episode 61 – The One About Whatever
Sometimes we have moments of brilliance on The State of Games. We come up with timely, intelligent points of debate and spend precious moments wringing every bit of knowledge we can muster in an effort to bring something new to the hobby and to our listeners. I’m here to tell you, this podcast isn’t one of those moments. But if you like three guys being random and silly, have we got a show for you. Read More Read More
PrezCon 2014 Pictorial Wrap-up
Hello, dear readers! It’s that time of the year again – time to recap some adventures at one of my favorite “local” gaming conventions, PrezCon in Charlottesville, Virginia. The structure of the convention is similar to that of the World Boardgaming Championships, with week-long gaming competitions for everything from Ticket to Ride to Hammer of the Scots. I arrived at the convention a bit later than previous years but with still enough time to get in some quality gaming and meet up with friends old and new. And, so, I prevent a brief pictorial overview of the festivities – enjoy, and consider coming out next year... Read More