The State of Games, Episode 43 – The One About 20 Questions

This podcast is a little break from the recent norm, as I give usual co-hosts Darrell Louder and TC Petty III a tiny break (but they’ll be back!) and bring on some new knuckleheads in a fun and different Q&A format – turned on its quirky nogging. So sit back and enjoy some banter with two of the gaming industry’s nicest guys ever, Matt Riddle and Ben Pinchback.


Links to important people and things mentioned on the podcast:




Fleet (and the Dice Hate Me Game of the Year Awards)






Manhattan Project

Glory to Rome



That’s right, dear listeners – toward the beginning of the podcast, there are instructions to enter for a chance to win ANY Dice Hate Me Games title and exclusive expansion. You can choose from Carnival and The Sideshow (all sold out, and only available from DHMG), VivaJava and the Geekspansion, or The Great Heartland Hauling Co. with the 5-player Badlands expansion. And all you have to do is leave a comment on this post! Be sure to do it before 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, April 20 and you could win the game and exclusive expansion of your choice!



The Great Heartland Hauling Co. (The shipment is here! Order now!)

VivaJava: The Coffee Game (Get your spring orders in!)

Carnival (It’s here, and ready for you to enjoy!)


And, finally:

The Dice Hate Me Games Newsletter! Sign up for the best in behind-the-scenes goodness from our hearts to yours.

Like what you hear? Subscribe to the State of Games podcast RSS feed!

Related posts:

  1. The State of Games, Episode 41 – The One About Being Super
  2. The State of Games, Episode 34 – The One About GenCon, DC and The WBC
  3. The State of Games, Episode 33 – The One About The Heartland
  4. The State of Games, Episode 25 – The One About Game Design
  5. The State of Games, Episode 42 – The One About Prezcon
65 Responses to “The State of Games, Episode 43 – The One About 20 Questions”
  1. Scott says:

    I’d like to leave a comment please! 🙂

  2. Nick says:


  3. Matt Riddle says:


  4. Eric Selander says:

    Viva Java!

  5. Andy Knudsen says:

    Thanks for the contest! Great episode as well.

  6. Ken Grazier says:

    I could always use another copy of one of your great games!

  7. Mat Thomsen says:

    Medici is awesome!

    Thanks for the Blue Moon tip. Off my wishlist.

    Manhattan Project! Spot on. Just got it and have played three times. Love it.

    Fleet is still awesome.

    Let’s play a game next time your in MA!

    Does this get me into the contest?

  8. Betty Elsenheimer says:


    (I miss Monkey123)

  9. Adam says:

    I’d love to be entered into your contest.
    Great podcast!

  10. Lee M. says:

    Fun format for the podcast this episode. It was great to hear from Matt and Ben (Fleet rocks!), but bring back Monkey sometime soon.

  11. Craig. says:

    Sadly, the only games discussed on this episode that I have actually played are Carnival (own) and Glory to Rome (once)!

  12. Paul Schaughency says:


  13. Adam Clark says:

    “anything you’d like”

  14. Bryan Carter says:

    Enjoyed the show

  15. Brad Smoley says:

    Extra stuff is stuff I like.

  16. Sam says:

    Thanks for another great podcast!

    I was recently turned on to DHM games when I found Compounded on Kickstarter (I just missed VivaJava). It looked fresh and interesting, so I kicked it and am eagerly awaiting the game (with test tubes!). I also tracked down a used copy of (the very hard to find) Carnival, and my wife and I really enjoy it. Simple gameplay, yet nicely strategic. Gorgeous components too – that’s something that I look for in games and is part of what turned me on to DHM.

    Anyways, hope my comment is sufficient for the contest – I’d love to fill out my collection!

  17. Jared Beiswenger says:

    Just found the podcast and love it. Looking forward to listening back through all the episodes. All the Unpub coverage really differentiates you guys. Hope to come to an Unpub event some day since I’m on the east coast.

  18. Federico says:

    Here I am!

  19. Vince G. says:

    Ooh, VivaJava… My wife will never play, but I’d still like to have it!

  20. Chivalrybean says:

    Contest entry!



    Would love carnaval!

  22. Lisa Scodari says:

    Humorous geek pun.

  23. Jim says:

    Hi, Chris.

    I told you my podcatcher would be queuing it up. Came into work and a great new episode was waiting for me. I miss Monkey238, but I do like your rotating hosts. You could say I’m conflicted. I also like the meta game industry discussion of late. Keep it up.

    I love hearing reviews and what people are playing. However, it’s also nice to listen to other people who think a lot about the hobby and industry and hear their thoughts on the subject. As an enthusiast and avid outside observer, it’s nice to compare notes.

    Keep up the good work. If we’re ever at the same con, I’m going to set you down and have you play Hab & Gut. I think, if you could get the US publication rights, that it would make a great game for you all. We love it and everyone I have play it (even those that don’t like stock trading games) really enjoy it.

    Take care-

    @greatbigtable on twitter

  24. Redeye says:

    I enjoyed hearing from the Fleet creators. That’s a game I’m keenly interested in, but have never had the chance to play.

    I’m also crossing fingers to win The Great Heartland Hauling Co. – something that I think would be a great hit to play with my son.

  25. Jacob says:

    Thanks for the contest. I like listening to audio podcasts as much as I like listening to music. I like the sound of Compounded.

  26. Scott King says:

    I want to see DICE HATE ME THE GAME and it would be like a comic book crossover event but with games published by Dice Hate Me.

  27. NOT Matt Riddle says:

    this was easily the best State of Games ever and this is a completely unique contest entry from any lited above

  28. James Burns says:

    Nice disscusion about on how to slip education into board games with Compounded. Alot of eductional games i have seen are pretty much lame or just roll and move.

    Also contest entry.

  29. Juanma99 says:

    A nice cup of Viva Java for me, please!
    Fun episode with Matt and Ben (although Monkey is surely missed).

  30. Erin says:

    Leaving a comment! Very cool! 🙂

  31. Paul E says:

    Thanks for the podcasts.

  32. Mike says:

    Insert ‘smart comment here’.

    Going Truckin’ in the Heartland !

  33. Hendrik says:

    Hi Chris,
    I think you get one aspect of the industry that many people overlook: there are way more people out there who would pick up a VivaJava over a Small World when they see both on shelves.
    I would agree that the board gaming community could probably growd way beyond its current size if publishers, Kickstarters and designers would publish more games with non-Fantasy, non-Alien, non-Medieval themes.
    It’s funny how some of my wives friends recently picked up Wasabi over Small World and other “gamers’ games” from my collection. The sushi theme was more interesting to them. From the box and theme, you can’t see that Alien Frontiers is a much better game.

  34. Stephen Bee says:

    Love hearing about the graphic design stuff.

    Hoping to grab Viva Java to round out my collection…

  35. Tom says:

    So, unoriginal comment: I miss Monkey. No offense to your other co-hosts.
    I’m very much looking forward to Brew Crafters. Most of the podcasts I regularly listen to are about either board games or craft beer. Put the two togehter… it’s a match made in heaven. If I should win your contest, any chance for deferring the prize for DHMG futures? No, nevermind, I’ll back the Brew Crafters kickstarter anyway. Besides, I love coffee too.

  36. Shrey says:

    I think the old Glory to Rome art is very functional. The colors really stand out.

  37. Russell says:

    always enjoy the State of GAMES
    always enjoy hearing from Matt and Ben
    1 x 2 = 5 stars is the kind of math I like 🙂

  38. Ed Wedig says:

    Great episode!

  39. Rodi says:

    First time listener and really liked the podcast. And now I have a chance to win something too. Wow! Great guys.

  40. Aaron L. White says:

    Fantastic show, as always. I love it when you talk about design and how the process works from concept to final product. Really enjoy hearing from Matt & Ben, too.

  41. Nate says:

    Great episode. Matt and Ben – absolutely love Fleet and can’t wait to see what you have in store with the expansion. Go Huskies.

  42. Thomas says:

    For lack of anything more interesting to say, take a look at

    Great Episode, BTW.

  43. Eric Leath says:

    I’d like to win Ken Grazier’s copy of one of your great games.

  44. Graham says:

    Nice episode. Enjoyed it quite a bit

  45. Steve Behnke says:

    Thanks for another great episode!

  46. Rob Cannon says:

    I’m loving Great Heartland Hauling. Hope to win Viva Java!

  47. Consider me commented. 😉

  48. Matt Eder says:

    Thanks for the contest. Hoping for VivaJava!

  49. Jeff Large says:

    Just taught some friends VivaJava last weekend and I’m buying Great Heartland Hauling soon. Keep up the great work!

  50. Graham says:

    Great Episode!

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