The State of Games, Ep. 115: The One About The Hotness
If there’s one thing most of us gamers get all excited about, it’s the new shiny in cardboard. Board games are growing in leaps and bounds, and each month sees an exponential increase in board game releases. Some titles somehow tap into the zeitgeist and hurtle skyward with tons of hype, while other, equally-worthy, titles inexplicably tumble down into obscurity. We’re here to talk about this very thing, and how BGG’s The Hotness can make or break a game, and, sometimes, even a company. Read More Read More
The State of Games, Episode 71 – The One About GrandCon 2014
Con season is winding down, but there was one last little hurrah to make before the long, cold winter: GrandCon in Grand Rapids, Michigan. GR is a hotbed of boardgaming enthusiasts and designers, much like the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area – plus, they also have great beer, just like we do! So despite the 12 hour drive, it was pretty much a win/win situation with board games, beers, and some of the best darn people in the hobby. Read More Read More
From Conception to Convention Part 2: The Only Ship That Won’t Sail, You Say?
The next entry in Marc Specter’s continuing column chronicling his journey to organizing a new gaming convention in Michigan: In my last entry I mentioned how across my gaming career, it was only recently that I got involved locally with gamers who did not first begin as friends. Gaming with strangers, albeit gamer strangers, is another matter. Despite being in sales for the past 12 years, my desire and ability to interact with complete strangers is limited, and walking into a room full of strangers who have known each other forever is a bit out of my comfort zone. That is again perhaps why I founded 3rd Wednesday Gaming (3WG). Now,... Read More